Invoice Maker
Repository for the Invoice 2019-2020 project Invoice building and management.
File Structure
├── src/ -> Component files for reactjs
├── public -> Assets
└── requirements.txt
Technology Stack
- Firebase CLI (Realtime DBMS)
SignUp and Authentication
Sign Up is designed in such a way that the company can have different signups for different types of users - customer / intern / core member.
Invoices show the total number of invoices sent by the user to different people. It also indicates the status of the invoice as well as the taxrate and price.
Making an Invoice
- User can add as many invoices as he wants.
- User can add as many items per invoice as desired.
- User can update taxrate, quantity and amount of products. Subsequently, the final price will be generated.
- State and Country are updated automatically after filling the GST-IN number.
Email Verification
- After signing up on the platform, the user has to verify the credentials before accessing any tools and services.
Build Instructions
Backend Database
Update the config file by adding firebase configuration information in .env file
Update rules and regulations in firebase realtime database to read and write in the database.
cd InvoiceMaker
npm install
npm run start
Development Instructions
- We have configured the precommit hook for frontend following the
eslint airbnb
guidelines along with prettier
code formatting. So make sure to follow the above guideline otherwise code will not be commited.
- The database we are using is firebase realtime database for the prototype.
- Please follow the directory structure for React JS.